2captcha API support
This page is for users that use a software which works with 2captcha but want to be able to use it with Death By Captcha.
2captcha API FAQ
- What are your 2captcha API URLs?
to upload captchas andhttp://api.deathbycaptcha.com/2captcha/res.php
to retrieve responses, get balance and report captchas. - How do I use your 2captcha API server?
To do so, follow these steps:
Get the updated IP of the DBC API servers:
- api.deathbycaptcha.com
Add the following line in your hosts file:
- [IP address] 2captcha.com
Get the updated IP of the DBC API servers:
- If you`re using Mac OS and don`t know how to edit your hosts file, you may check how to change your host files here and then follow the steps above.
- If you`re using Linux and don`t know how to edit your hosts file, you may check how to edit your host files in Linux here and then follow the steps above.
- Which captcha types are supported?
Text, image group, coordinate and token captchas are supported by our 2captcha API. Trying to upload any other captcha type will result in an ERROR_URL_METHOD_FORBIDDEN error message from the API.
- What are the allowed HTTP methods, parameters and possible error responses?
These are the same as for the actual 2captcha API. Refer to its documentation for details. The only difference is that the api_key field is your_dbc_username:your_dbc_password.
2captcha API Examples
Normal Captcha using POST:
<form action="http://api.deathbycaptcha.com/2captcha/in.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="method" value="post"> Your key (username:password): <input type="text" name="key" value="YOUR_APIKEY"> Want json response (0/1) 0=false, 1=true: <input type="text" name="json" value="0"> The CAPTCHA file: <input type="file" name="file"> <input type="submit" value="Upload and get the ID"> </form>