
February, 2013

Feb, 12: *-IMPORTANT-* Dear Customers, we will be facing shortage of capacity during this week due to Lunar New Year and Spring festivities in our workers' countries. The shortage of capacity is an industry-wide problem, as the majority of workers share similar festivities. We expect the situation to return back to normal by the end of the week/beginning of the next one. We truly apologize for the inconveniences this may cause you. We're doing everything in our power to improve the situation.

December, 2012

Dec, 19: -*IMPORTANT*-: We'll be performing a server upgrade Today, Wednesday 19th, from 11:00 P.M - 11:30 P.M GMT-4, hence the service will be unavailable for about 30 minutes (although we expect the downtime to be less). Yesterday the service was a bit unstable at some times due to a technical issue ; this will be prevented from happening again as well with today's upgrade. Your comprehension is greatly appreciated!

Dec, 18: We're going through some unexpected server issues that are causing the whole system to slow down. We're already trouble-shooting and we predict that service quality will be completely restored in less than an hour. Our sincere apologies for the inconveniences this may cause you. We truly appreciate your business.

Dec, 12: We're gradually increasing our capacity (overload times have been decreasing) but this process takes time and thus you may still encounter some short sporadic overloads during certain hours of the day. Your comprehension is greatly appreciated!

November, 2012

Nov, 30: We faced some data-base, technical issue that caused the service to be fully loaded during a short period of time. Inconveniences were fixed and the service is currently back to normal and working properly. Thanks for your comprehension!

Nov, 28: The service may experience sporadic -and short overloads during some parts of the afternoon (EST GMT-5) Today. This is being worked on at this moment and we estimate that service quality won't be particularly affected. We apologize for the inconveniences this may cause you.

Nov, 27: We've received a sudden volume burst that's causing a high service load. We're working to control the situation as we speak, but in the meantime please expect minor and sporadic overloads until non-afternoon hours. Your patience and comprehension is truly appreciated!

Nov, 14: The recent afternoon slowdowns our service has experienced are due to regional festivities in our worker's home countries. We predict slight and sporadic overloads through-out the server-time afternoon hours for the rest of the week. Service level during non-afternoon hours is predicted to be normal.

Nov, 07: We're currently operating under limited capacity, thus you may experience higher than usual solving times. We're already taking measures to mitigate this situation and we expect the service to be back to normalcy before afternoon hours. Thanks for your comprehension!

October, 2012

Oct, 30: -Important Notice-: We'll be performing a scheduled maintenance to our servers from 11:00 A.M to 11:30 A.M EST GMT-5 on Wednesday (October 31) to ensure a high quality service. We estimate that this update will take less than 30 minutes, but please expect service unavailability within this time. We appreciate your comprehension!

Status: OK

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